8. Abandonment of Contents of Unit. Occupant is responsible to keep Unit locked at all times when Occupant is not present. If Occupant has left Unit unlocked after the expiration or termination of this Agreement, then any personal property that remains in or near Unit will be considered to have been abandoned by Occupant and may be removed or otherwise disposed of by Owner.
9. Storage of Vehicles. If Occupant stores any vehicle with a motor in it, the Occupant shall place a drip pan under any possible source of leaks. Occupant shall also disconnect the negative terminal of the battery or remove the battery. Chock blocks must secure the wheels of any automobile or trailer.
10. Limits to Occupant’s Use of the Unit. Occupant is restricted to certain uses of Unit as follows:
a. Occupant may use Unit solely for the storage of personal property, which belongs to the Occupant.
b. Unit shall not be used as a residence.
c. Occupant may not store any hazardous, explosive, flammable materials, firearms, or ammunition.
d. Occupant will be liable for all acts of any and all individuals who Occupant allows access to the Property.
e. Occupant will not do anything or store anything, which will invalidate Owners insurance policy or increase its insurance premium.
f. Occupant will not use Unit for any unlawful use or storage of any unlawful or stolen property.
g. Occupant agrees to keep Unit in good condition and will not damage, deface, or mutilate Unit in any way. Occupant agrees to reimburse Owner for any such effects to Unit beyond reasonable Wear and Tear. Occupant agrees not to make any alterations to the Unit without Owner’s written permission.
h. Occupant may not sublet or assign this agreement to anyone.
i. Occupant agrees not to store jewels, furs, heirlooms, artworks, collectibles or other irreplaceable Items having sentimental or emotional value to the Occupant. Occupant waives any claim for Emotional or sentimental attachment to the stored property.
j. Occupant will not use any electricity in the Unit unless Owner gives written permission.